Are you interested in participating on an upcoming Project Canefire trip? If you are please fill out the following information and we will send you some basic information and the upcoming schedule.

You've come to this page for a reason; take the next step to change a life - change your life. We know through personal experience what a life-changing experience a mission trip can be, and we want to provide others with that same opportunity. The focus of each project is transforming lives through relationships. This happens through the practical service we perform, and through sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those we are serving. So get ready to participate in or on an upcoming Project Canefire trip! Please fill out the following information and we will send you some basic information and the upcoming schedule.

1) You must be a professing Christian
2) Must be at least 14 years old

Typical accommodations:
A) Cheap hotel
B) Camp style barracks

Cost of trip:
1) $500.00 personal donation is the minimum, we ask for missionaries to cover personal travel costs if possible; typically around $900.
2) Everyone becomes an active fund-raiser

Thank you for your interest in a mission trip with Project Canefire [PCF]. We would love for you to join us in the field.

Become a Volunteer.

Whether you live near us in Michigan or live else where, you can become an PCF volunteer! If you have free hours in your schedule, a special talent, or an extra set of hands for special events - just fill out the application below.


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